Association Citrus

Our support

To support us is to understand that our actions cannot be achieved without the multiple contributions of everyone in the period of exchange: in the context of a project, or a recreational activity, there are many activities that would never have happened without the initiative or without the inhabitants and people encountered during the workcamps.

For example, Augustus and Frances, who hosted 9 long-term volunteers from Solidarités Jeunesses for one week, came to help us complete the construction of the house. One summer in Montricoux, Jacques and Gino proposed to introduce volunteers to climbing and hiking. A big thank you to them, and all who support us!

Support us, but also join the association.
We need each other to move forward. Join our projects by purchasing a membership for the association. It is a form of support which is always helpful and accessible to all, that opens the door to the community life of Citrus, and strengthens our ties with supporters of our actions.

Acceuil | Site Map | Hameau la Mayounelle 82250 Laguepie | | citrus(à)